Sacrificing my own happiness is unhealthy.
It is important to remind myself of my value. Taking care of myself allows me to take care of others.
Whenever I am unhappy, it impacts my relationships with others. I rely a lot on my friends and family. Being good to them requires that I am good to myself first. Happiness comes from the inside out.
Putting my happiness aside in a relationship causes resentment to build up. It is unwise for me to sacrifice my feelings to make others feel better.
It only serves to break down trust when I am dishonest about how something makes me feel. I free myself emotionally when I am clear and direct about my feelings. The people who respect my honesty are the ones who deserve a place in my life.
Sacrificing my happiness leads to me disliking things about myself. It is important to love who I am. My relationship with myself is the one that I treasure most.
My mind is clear about the decisions to make when I first think about how they impact me. Although I consider the feelings of others, it is important to ensure that I am okay with my choice.
Today, there is very little room in my life for situations that dishonor my peace of mind. When I focus on ensuring my happiness, all else falls into place. I am patient with the course of my life thus far. I know that I am building a positive future for me.
Self-Reflection Questions
1. How do I tell others no without causing hurt?
2. How do I ensure that each day is filled with happiness?
3. How do I know when a decision is bound to make me unhappy?
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