I am open to receiving love and compassion.
Love and compassion are all around me. I have many wonderful people in my life that are willing to love me and show me compassion. I just have to be open to receiving it, and I am.
I am open to receiving love and compassion each day.
I am also willing to give love and compassion. This results in more love and compassion coming back to me. The more I give, the more I am able to receive.
My ability to give love and compassion is limitless.
It can be challenging to be willing to receive love at times. I might feel guilty or undeserving, but I know this is silly. I know that I am a good person, and I deserve all the love and compassion that come my way.
The more love and compassion I receive, the better I feel.
The world is full of loving and compassionate people. These are the people that give and receive love and compassion freely. I am one of these people. I appreciate these people. I feel good about myself when I exhibit these qualities.
Today, I am open to receiving all the positive emotions and blessings that are directed at me. I am giving and receiving love and compassion. I am open to all the positive things the world has to offer.
Self-Reflection Questions
1. What stops me from accepting love and compassion? Do I feel that I deserve love and compassion?
2. Am I loving and compassionate to others? If not, why?
3. What can I do to receive more love and compassion?