Redefining Self-Love

7-Session Video Course

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Session 1: Redefine Your Connection to Self

During our first session together, we will focus on your foundation – the connection to your self. A healthy foundation is key to self-love. Here we will explore, uncover and heal your sense of safety, security, needs, and feelings of belonging. It’s time to tap back into your Life Force!

Homework: Create a Self-Love Journal.

Purchase a notebook or journal specifically for your self-love course and continued work beyond this course.

  1. On the top of the page for each day, write the day’s affirmation 3 times.
  2. “Who Am I?” Journal Entry

For this exercise, I want you to describe who you are without any filter, judgment or in any relation to another. This means you will not identify yourself as mother, father, friend, wife, or employee. Instead, you will describe yourself with great detail about the inherent qualities that make you who you are. Be as specific and vulnerable as possible. Let the writing free-flow and allow whatever words come to flow onto the paper.

Session 2: Redefine Your Identity with Self

During our second session together, we will focus on how you relate to yourself. Here we will explore, uncover, and heal your subconscious beliefs and identities you hold about yourself that affect how you live, feel, and behave every single day. It’s time to tap back into your Passion!



  1. Say your affirmations to yourself every morning and every night.
  2. In your journal, create a page with the header: Self-Love Language

Every day, list 10 statements or phrases that you spoke to yourself today about who you are. If you have a hard time remembering or catching the internal dialogue, make a post-it note and put on your computer or phone that says something like “What did you just say?” to prompt mindfulness to your inner voice. You can use the above questions to instigate your answers.

Session 3: Redefine Your Personal Power

During our third session together, we will focus on your relationship to your personal power. Here we will explore, uncover, and heal your self-confidence, integrity, response-ability, and accountability not only to others but first and foremost, with yourself. It’s time to tap back into your Spiritual Power!


Work with your affirmations every morning and night until you complete the next session.

Session 4: Redefine Your Self-Acceptance

During our fourth session together, we will focus your relationship to self-love. Here we will explore, uncover and heal self-compassion, self-forgiveness, and self-acceptance. It’s time to tap back into your Unconditional Love of Self!


Work with your affirmations every morning and night until you complete the next session.

Session 5: Redefine Your Expression & Truth

During our fifth session together, we will focus on your relationship to your truth and how you express that both to yourself and others. Here we will explore, uncover, and heal both spoken and unspoken secrets, lies, and deceptions both to self and others. It’s time to tap back into your Creative Expression!


Work with your affirmations every morning and night until you complete the next session.

Session Six: Redefine Your Intuition

During our sixth session together, we will focus on your relationship to your intuition. Here we will explore, uncover, and heal confusion, delusions, illusions, denial, and resistance to trusting your intuition. It’s time to tap back into your Clarity and Vision!


Work with your affirmations every morning and evening until you complete the next session.

Session 7: Redefine Your Connection with Your Higher Self

In our last session, we will focus on your connection with your higher self. Here we will explore, uncover and heal worry, doubt, and lack of faith. It’s time to tap back into your Grace and Oneness!


Add all of your affirmations to your self-love journal. Refer to these when you find yourself in a difficult situation where you need to give yourself more love, support, and care.

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